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2022 Grand Challenges Annual Meeting Call-to-Action

2022 Grand Challenges Annual Meeting Call-to-Action

**NOTE: This opportunity was open only to participants who registered for and attended the 2022 Grand Challenges Annual Meeting.


The Grand Challenges Annual Meeting fosters innovation and international collaboration to address the biggest challenges in global health and development. It has been held in 11 countries over the past 17 years and in a virtual format for the past two years. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world the challenges and opportunities ahead with new clarity. The 2022 meeting continues the Annual Meeting's goal to support a global community of problem solvers who work together to set an innovation agenda and do the breakthrough science to deliver on it – to go further and faster together.


This Call-to-Action provides an opportunity for Grand Challenges Annual Meeting participants to take action based on ideas they developed and people they met at the meeting. As noted by past applicants in their submitted proposals, the meeting provides diverse ways to combine expertise and perspectives to speed the impact of what would otherwise be separate work by individual investigators. The grants awarded for past Call-to-Action opportunities show this, and we hope that this year’ meeting will also provide ways to catalyze collaborative projects that yield a tangible solution to a key problem by the end of the grant.

Please note that there are multiple grant opportunities being launched at the Annual Meeting:

 • Two that are open to meeting participants

  1. This 2022 Grand Challenges Annual Meeting Call-to-Action
  2. Supporting Researchers Through the Technologies of the Global Health Discovery Collaboratory Platforms

 • Additional grant opportunities that are publicly open, launched across the Grand Challenges family of initiatives


Each meeting participant will have one opportunity to apply as the primary applicant for a USD $100,000 grant or a collaborative USD $200,000 grant, both with an 18-month grant duration. Collaborative awards require the participation of at least two meeting participants from different institutions. While restricted to one application as the primary applicant, meeting participants may participate as collaborators in multiple collaborative applications. Priority will be given to new or newly expanded collaborations, rather than to existing collaborations seeking new funding.

We will give highest priority to proposed projects that:

  • Contribute to a partnership network that empowers those with the local perspective required to direct the right approaches to the right parts of the problems to ensure success. We will prioritize projects led by investigators from low- and middle-income countries and a balanced representation of women principal investigators. Their collective action and directed energy will help solve today's key problems in global health, while building research networks ready to solve tomorrow’s
  • Are likely to yield a tangible answer to a question or solution to a problem within the grant term
  • Are explicitly aligned with the content within the meeting's scientific track sessions. Please note that individual proposals will be reviewed based on their alignment with one primary track and the specific content presented there (see meeting agenda), since we seek to provide an opportunity for participants to take action based on an idea that they developed and people they met during their participation in a scientific track. Eligible scientific tracks for this Call-to-Action are listed below, and they include the entire Keystone Symposia Global Health Series conference that overlaps with the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting.

Scientific tracks eligible for the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting Call-to-Action

  • Advancing Drug Discovery for Global Health
  • Applying a Translational Lens to Global Health
  • Beyond the first 1000 days: Research and implementation innovations for women and girls' nutrition
  • Global Health Discovery Collaboratory - Novel Technologies for Collaborative Scientific Solutions
  • Global Partnerships & Grand Challenges
  • Harnessing the Power of Data in Health
  • Innovations in Non-Hormonal Contraceptives Research & Development
  • Maximizing the Potential of Pathogen Genomic Sequencing for Global Health
  • New Insights & Innovations to Address Antimicrobial Resistance
  • Vaccine and Biologics Innovations for Global Health
  • Keystone Symposia - Covid and Beyond: Novel Approaches to Global Infectious Diseases

We will not consider funding approaches that:

  • Are not explicitly aligned with the specific content within the meeting scientific tracks listed above that are eligible for this request for proposals
  • Address the meeting scientific tracks that are not part of this request for proposals: Novel Approaches to Reduce the Impacts of Climate Change on Health (noting that there is an associated Grand Challenges Canada request for proposals) and Sourcing and Accelerating Humanitarian Innovations

Great ideas come from everywhere.

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The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is part of the Grand Challenges partnership network. Visit to view the map of awarded grants across this network and grant opportunities from partners.
Map of grant distribution