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A Portable Brain Scanner with Telemonitoring Platform for Detection and Management of Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

Abhijit Das of Arogya Medtech Pvt. Ltd. in India will develop a device - CEREBROS - that is a modular unit combining electroencephalography (EEG) and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) together with an Internet of Things (IoT) component incorporating a telemonitoring platform. This system enables continuous remote monitoring of cerebral hypoxia and seizures and early detection and management of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) at point-of-care. The device is in the form of a wearable cap for neonates. It will also include a multivariate classifier incorporating quantitative EEG metrics and cerebral oximetry metrics, which will identify disease-specific patterns that can be presented remotely by a neonatologist simultaneously in voice, text, pictures, or video or animations. The device could be provided, through both public and private care providers, under an affordable rental or pay-per-use model. The device provides an easy-to-use alternative to structural imaging (CT or MRI) that has better sensitivity and specificity, especially for neonates or infants less than 2 years old.

More information about Grand Challenges Explorations - India