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Modeling Health Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of Malaria Chemoprevention and Vaccines in Africa

Bruno Mmbando of Kampala International University in Tanzania will model the combined impact of malaria chemoprevention strategies and vaccines on the burden of childhood malaria in Africa. A modeling focus will be on determining the level of vaccine uptake at which chemoprevention strategies cease to be cost-effective in settings with moderate to high malaria transmission. Data modeling will include the short- and long-term effects of parasite antimalarial drug resistance on the combined impact of chemoprevention and vaccines. The multidisciplinary team will include data modelers, health economists, clinical trialists, and epidemiologists. They will work closely with malaria decision-making organizations, leading to tools and processes that better support the use of malaria data modeling to inform public health interventions.

This grant is funded by The Wellcome Trust.

More information about Strengthening Health and Disease Modeling for Public Health Decision Making in Africa