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Development of Low-Cost Clean-Tasting Protein Isolates Using Upcycled Agricultural By-Products

Amanda Stiles of Ripple Foods, PBC, in the U.S. will produce a low-cost protein isolate upcycled from locally-sourced agricultural by-products that can be used as a nutritious food additive or standalone high-protein broth. Protein malnutrition is a major health concern in southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. However, protein is expensive to produce and often has a bad taste. They have developed an automated approach to identify low-cost, efficient methods to isolate plant proteins from agricultural by-products in the U.S. They will apply their approach to by-products from low-resource settings, such as wheat bran, and perform a high-throughput protein isolation screen to identify optimal extraction and purification protocols for yield and purity. The final products will be taste-tested to ensure they have a limited impact on flavor when used as food additives.

More information about Affordable, Accessible, and Appealing: The Next Generation of Nutrition (Round 21)

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