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Contactless Health Monitor for Elder Care with Real Time Alert System

The study proposes a novel low-cost health monitor with 4 components. The first component is a vibration sensor pad which when placed under the mattress detects heart and respiration signal using ballistocardiograph. The respiration signal obtained is also used for sleep apnea screening and the heart signal is also screened for arrhythmia instances and monitoring cardiac cycles (LVET, ICT, IRT). The second component is a bedside unit for data acquisition, processing & communication (GSM & WiFi) with alert system. The third component is a bluetooth enabled wireless finger pulse oximeter to measure oxygen saturation. The final component is a wearable 3D axis accelerometer for fall detection. This data is available in Realtime to the geriatric caregivers who can also setup and receive customized alerts for abnormal vitals signs and fall. The proposed solution is a novel low-cost easy-to-use health monitor that tracks heart and respiration rate, sleep cycles, cardiac cycles, oxygen saturation and detects fall.

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