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Building and Sustaining Capacity of Frontline Health Workers in Prevention and Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage and Neonatal Asphyxia on the Day of Birth

Jhpiego proposes a capacity building and sustaining "Day of Birth" approach to bring lifesaving services to remote health facilities where complications must be prevented and managed simultaneously and swiftly, often by a single provider. This approach uses evidence-based practices in prevention and treatment of the two biggest killers of women and newborns in the hours after birth -PPH and neonatal asphyxia. Our approach will increase the knowledge and skills of frontline health workers, and therefore reduce newborn mortality and PPH in the areas where the intervention is applied through: 1) capacity building of facility teams through targeted training in "Helping Babies Breathe" and "Bleeding After Birth," 2) use of a low-cost, easy to use and durable simulator during training and low-dose high-frequency routine practice sessions carried out at the facilities after training, 3) further reinforcement through supportive supervision via phone and text messages, and 4) awareness creation within the community of improved services at the health facilities to boost desire for facility birth.

More information about Saving Lives at Birth (Round 2)

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