Innovative Data and Modeling Approaches to Measure Women’s Health - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Frequently Asked QuestionsEligibility
Who is eligible for grants?
This initiative is open to nonprofit organizations, for-profit companies, international organizations, government agencies and academic institutions. We particularly encourage applications involving projects led by women, early-career researchers and practitioners seeking to innovate in women's health measurement, or from women-led organizations and applications from institutions based in low- and middle-income countries. We also encourage collaborative submissions across disciplines such as economics, public health, and gender studies.
Upon registration, applicants must provide information about the tax status of their organization as different terms and conditions may apply under the applicable tax laws. You should confirm your organization's tax status with the appropriate advisor or entity within your organization such as your grants or contracts department, finance, or office of sponsored research. Either funder may request additional information regarding your tax status. For information about tax statuses, you may check with your own advisors and review information on the applicable tax requirements.
Is this RFP looking for projects aimed at research, innovation, or both?
This RFP is looking for innovative methodologies, approaches, tools, and frameworks to better measure Women's Health that extend beyond the limitations of existing composite indicators. The focus is on rethinking how we measure Women's Health in ways that inform policy and action.
Will small-scale data integration efforts that enhance gender-sensitive analysis be considered within scope?
Yes, a key priority is developing tools or frameworks that allow for cross-cultural and subnational comparisons, helping to identify context-specific gaps and progress.
Does the data need to be from several countries?
Our preference geographies are sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Findings should be applicable to countries in those regions.
Is it possible to submit more than one project?
While we welcome multiple submissions from each organization, an individual can only be the principal investigator (PI) for one application. PIs are welcome to be collaborators on multiple proposals.
What are the qualifications needed for the principal investigator or project lead?
There are no specific qualifications required. The PI needs to demonstrate that they have the background and expertise to carry out the work, and it aligns with the proposal they are submitting.
Are collaborations welcome, and how does this work?
We welcome and encourage collaborations. When creating an application, there is an option in the system for applicants to add their collaborators and work on the joint application before submission. The funding will go to the primary investigator's organization, which can then act as a sub to the collaborators.
Can students at academic institutions apply directly, or must the application come from the school?
There are no qualifications required for an applicant in terms of position or role. The grant award would go to an organization or university, not to individuals.
Is the focus on clinical interventions or also broader to public health and social determinants of health?
The focus is broader, including public health and social determinants of health. Multidimensional approaches are encouraged to capture the full complexity of Women's Health outcomes.
What do you mean by multidimensional indicators beyond traditional composite measures?
Multidimensional indicators include various factors such as social determinants, societal impacts, and economic factors. The goal is to be able to use innovative methods to obtain a comprehensive understanding of Women's Health outcomes.
Can data modeling require a subscription to cloud services, and is it allowed as part of the funding?
Yes, as long as it stays within the grant limit. You can include the cost of subscriptions or access to specific data in your grant proposal.
Can you describe what a successful or robust path to impact section would look like?
A successful path to impact should clearly outline how the methodology can be used in practice. It should demonstrate how the approach can be replicated at different levels and provide a clear understanding of the state of Women's Health.
Are there multiple stages in terms of the application process?
Yes, there is an initial triage stage to ensure proposals meet the criteria. Selected proposals will then be asked to submit a full proposal on the foundation's templates.
Are there specific budget items that are encouraged or should be avoided?
There are no restrictions on roles within personnel costs. Indirect costs should be included as per the foundation's guidelines.
What types of data sets are eligible for use in the proposals?
Eligible data sets include publicly available data, easily obtainable data, national-level health data, WHO observatories, World Bank data, and any data that is accessible to other researchers or organizations.
How should one consider innovative measurement approaches that go beyond composite indicators?
Please consider the following tips:
- Think beyond averages to unmask hidden disparities (more granular approach to reveal inequities in access/quality/outcomes)
- Assess intersectional factors such as income, geography, disability, etc to incorporate disaggregated data
- Ability to capture women's health dynamics across different stages of life - think about trajectories rather than a snapshot
- Expanded measurement that's more than biomedical aspects of health, like social determinants
- Ways to integrate and analyze cross-sectoral data to get a more holistic approach to health measurement
- Multisectoral approaches that highlight the interconnectedness of women's health (economic, health, environmental, social systems)
Application Process
What must my application include?
Please refer to the Application Instructions document.
Am I able to edit my proposal once submitted?
Yes, you may edit your proposal up until the specified deadline.
What amount of indirect cost is available?
Details of the foundation indirect cost policy guidelines can be found here: Gates Foundation's indirect cost policy.
Review Process
How does the review process work?
Please refer to the Rules and Guidelines document.
Can I get a list of potential reviewers who might be assigned to my application?
No. We do not make public the roster of reviewers.
Can I request that my application not be reviewed by a specific individual?
No. However, we will ask reviewers to self-identify conflicts of interest and will not assign reviewers with conflicts.
Will I receive specific feedback on my application if it is not selected?
Due to the rapid proposal and review timelines applicable to this RFP, applicants with proposals that are not selected for award may receive a notification of decline without specific feedback.
Award Information
Are grant awards made directly to individuals?
No. All awards are made to the organization where the individual holds their primary appointment. Institutions must agree to the terms and conditions governing each grant award prior to award activation.
How much money will each grant provide?
We will consider proposals for awards of up to $150,000 USD for each project, with a grant term of 18-24 months. Application budgets should be commensurate with the scope of work proposed. Indirect costs will be considered, and should be included in the budget for the up to $150,000 USD award (subject to the Gates Foundation's indirect cost policy).
Technical Support
I forgot my password. How do I reset my password?
You can request to update your password within the application site. If you continue to have issues, please reach out to [email protected]
How will I know if my application was submitted?
Once an application is submitted, an email confirmation will be sent.
I'm having trouble uploading my application file. What should I do?
If you are having issues submitting your application, we would encourage you to submit from a different browser. If the issue persists, please email the specifics of your problem to [email protected].
How often do you intend to update the Frequently Asked Questions, and do you plan to provide answers to all questions submitted?
We will periodically post answers to questions as they are submitted, but do not have a specific schedule. We will provide answers on this page that are of relevance and of general interest to potential applicants. For answers to specific questions that are not covered here, please email [email protected]