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Innovations for Gram-Negative Antibiotic Discovery - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the background for the partnership between Wellcome, the Gates Foundation and the Novo Nordisk Foundation?
More information on the partnership between the three foundations to support critical scientific research and development (R&D) for global health, is available in the following article: Novo Nordisk Foundation, Wellcome, and the Gates Foundation Join Forces to Accelerate Global Health Equity and Impact

Can you please define "small molecule"? - (Answer updated on March 10, 2025)
A small molecule drug is typically less than 900 daltons molecular weight. Proposals that might result in agents of larger molecular weight (common in natural products or derivatives thereof) will be considered only if there is a very innovative approach to discovery that overcomes limitations in such large molecules. Proposals to generate or modify proteins will not be considered.

What does direct acting mean in this context?
Direct acting means anything that's acting directly on the bacterium, typically interacting with an essential target or disrupting an essential function in the bacterium. Proposals that target host functions will not be considered.

Are collaborations welcomed and how does this work?
Yes, collaborations are welcomed and encouraged. When creating your application, there's an option to add collaborators to work on a joint proposal. One organization would be the primary recipient of the award, and awardees can potentially sub-grant to others or collaborate informally.

Is it possible to submit more than one project?
Yes, it is possible for an organization to submit more than one project. However, the email address and the Principal Investigator (PI) should be distinct for each submission. PIs can be collaborators on multiple applications.

Do we expect preliminary data to be included in the grant application?
Yes, preliminary data is expected in support of the proposed approach. If there is no preliminary data, the proposal should be limited in scope with very specific go/no-go milestones.

Can you expand on what is meant by not considering a distributed broad approach to fixing the portfolio?
We are not looking for proposals that suggest general ways that AMR can be addressed by bringing together many organizations. We are looking for very focused experimental work from a small number of labs.

What is the scope of activities that will be funded? Would DMPK and efficacy be in scope?
DMPK and efficacy could be in scope if they are part of an early discovery program. However, we are not planning to support any work in lead optimization at this stage.

How much confidential information is expected to be shared?
Chemical structures will not be shared among collaborators once the effort is in place. Sufficient information needs to be provided in the proposal to determine whether there's a path forward, which might include chemical structures.

Please elaborate on surrogate organisms that are discouraged. Does it include mutant bacteria?
We will not support proposals that use non-priority (surrogate) organisms. Preliminary data in a non-priority organism is acceptable as long as the idea is to move the study into Klebsiella. Depending on the specific proposal, use of mutant bacteria may be appropriate.

Is it acceptable to investigate efficacy against Klebsiella with antimicrobial compounds effective against another pathogen?
Yes, but there has to be a strong rationale for why the approach might work in Klebsiella; preliminary data in Klebsiella would be much more helpful.

What about a combination of already present molecules?
Combinations of existing molecules are less likely to be ideal. We prefer to rapidly assess combinations that show significant efficacy.

How precise does the budget estimate need to be at this stage?
The budget estimate needs to be reasonably precise. It should be close enough to understand how it fits into the overall portfolio.

Should projects aim for proof of concept in vivo? Is in vitro sufficient?
It depends on the project stage. Early-stage projects may not be suitable for achieving in vivo proof of concept, but more advanced projects should aim for it.

Is it a disadvantage if an assistant professor is the PI of the project? Do we require a more senior position with experience running a multi-million dollar project?
No, we are looking for innovative ideas from wherever they come. The PI's position is not a determining factor.

Are small molecule efflux pump inhibitors within the scope?
Yes, but the molecule should have intrinsic antibacterial activity and enhance the activity of multiple antibiotics.

Is the dissemination and/or scientific outreach of the research process and results expected to be included in the proposal?
Yes, dissemination of results is expected. Funded grantees will share updates and progress with each other, and all results generated during the projects will eventually be made available through open access publications.

Would success in a short duration exploratory project be eligible for additional funding as part of an expansion (based on proven results) within the initial budgetary and time limits of a fully funded program (e.g. 3 years and maximum of $5M)? 
Consideration may be given to a request for follow-on funding based on promising results from the exploratory study, but we cannot guarantee the availability of funds at this time.

I note that peptides are specifically excluded from this call, but what about peptide-derived agents, or reformulations of peptides to overcome their liabilities?
Agents that derive from peptides will be considered in scope only if they overcome the many liabilities in antimicrobial peptides and the proposal describes a pathway to identifying a small molecule drug candidate. We will not consider proposals to reformulate existing antimicrobial peptides.


Who is eligible for grants?
The following list describes the eligibility criteria for this RFP:

  • This initiative is open to nonprofit organizations, for-profit companies, international organizations, government agencies, and academic institutions.
  • Only individuals who are applying through a legally recognized corporate entity are eligible.
  • We particularly encourage applications from institutions based in LMICs and projects led by women and other groups that are historically underrepresented in the drug discovery field. All applications received will then be reviewed on their merits.
  • Lead applicants must be able to demonstrate the experience needed to drive and lead a project and to deliver on the objectives.
  • Applications can be from multi- and inter-disciplinary teams, and we encourage lead applicants to put together diverse teams, promoting a diverse, inclusive, and supportive research environment.
  • Researchers may participate as co-applicants or collaborators on multiple proposals but may submit only one application as a lead applicant to this RFP. If researchers are co-applicants or collaborators on multiple proposals, they must be able to demonstrate that they can dedicate enough time and resources to all projects if all the projects they are involved in are funded.
  • Applicants must be able to sign up to the terms and conditions of at least one of the funders to be eligible to apply.
  • Upon registration, applicants must provide information about the tax status of their organization as different terms and conditions may apply under the applicable tax laws. You should confirm your organization's tax status with the appropriate advisor or entity within your organization such as your grants or contracts department, finance, or office of sponsored research. Either funder may request additional information regarding your tax status. For information about tax statuses, you may check with your own advisors and review information on the applicable tax requirements.

Application Process

What must my application include?
Please refer to the Application Instructions document.

Am I able to edit my proposal once submitted?
Yes, you may edit your proposal up until the specified deadline.

What amount of indirect cost is available?
Details of the indirect cost policy guidelines for each organization can be found here. Please refer to the individual funders' policies on overheads and indirect costs. Please note that the available overheads/indirect costs may vary from funder to funder and depending on awardee organization type and allowable limits. Recognizing this variance, we suggest you add a range, or your best estimate for this line item, and understand the need to be flexible on this if chosen to move forward in the process. Indirect costs must be included within the up to $5M budget amount.

  • Gates Foundation indirect cost policy
  • Wellcome's Overheads Policy
  • The Novo Nordisk Foundation does not cover overhead/indirect costs. However,
    • Applicants to the Novo Nordisk Foundation that are not based at Danish universities may allocate up to 5% of the budget as direct administrative expenses. The amount allocated to direct administrative expenses must be included in the total budget of the grant application and can include expenses that are directly related to the applied-for project, such as costs towards accounting, payment of salaries, purchasing, hiring, financial reporting and auditing on the project. More information will be provided to applicants invited to submit a full application to the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
    • Applicants from Danish universities can apply for the project supplement for research grants. More information on the joint model for project supplement is found at Universities Denmark's website. Questions related to the project supplement should be directed to the research support units at your university.

Review Process

How does the review process work? 
Please refer to the Rules and Guidelines document.

Can I get a list of potential reviewers who might be assigned to my application?
No. We do not make public the roster of reviewers.

Can I request that my application not be reviewed by a specific individual?
No. However, we will ask reviewers to self-identify conflicts of interest and will not assign reviewers with conflicts.

Will I receive specific feedback on my application if it is not selected?
Due to the rapid proposal and review timelines applicable to this RFP, applicants with proposals that are not selected to proceed to the full proposal stage may receive a notification of decline without specific feedback.

Award Information

Are grant awards made directly to individuals?
No. All awards are made to the organization where the individual holds their primary appointment. Institutions must agree to the terms and conditions governing each grant award prior to award activation.

How much money will each grant provide?
Projects with a duration of up to three years and a maximum requested budget of $5,000,000 USD are eligible for funding. Exploratory projects with shorter durations or lower budgets that focus on high-risk, innovative areas are strongly encouraged and will be given priority.

Budgets should be commensurate with the proposed scope of work. Indirect costs will be considered by some funders and should be included within the total budget of up to $5,000,000 USD. Indirect/overheard cost policies vary by funder, please refer to the application instructions document for specific details. Projects with secured co-funding are eligible to apply, provided they fully comply with the Gr-ADI collaborative ways of working and funding conditions, as if entirely funded by Gr-ADI.

Technical Support

I forgot my password. How do I reset my password?
You can request to update your password within the application site. If you continue to have issues, please reach out to [email protected].

How will I know if my application was submitted?
Once an application is submitted, an email confirmation will be sent.

I'm having trouble uploading my application file. What should I do?
If you are having issues submitting your application, we would encourage you to submit from a different browser. If the issue persists, please email the specifics of your problem to [email protected].

How often do you intend to update the Frequently Asked Questions, and do you plan to provide answers to all questions submitted?
We will periodically post answers to questions as they are submitted, but do not have a specific schedule. We will provide answers on this page that are of relevance and of general interest to potential applicants. For answers to specific questions that are not covered here, please email [email protected]