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Working with the Poor People's Campaign to Change the Pervasive Narrative That Blames Poor People in This Country for Their Own Poverty

The Institute for Policy Studies in the U.S. will build on their pilot project with Reverend Barber's Poor People's Campaign by working with low-income individuals to translate their stories into widely distributed op-eds. The Institute for Policy Studies will provide data and support to help impacted people from diverse backgrounds and geographical areas to craft compelling op-eds to bring the public's and policymakers' attention to the structural and historical barriers to economic mobility and in demanding policy action to confront those barriers. Op-eds will be distributed through their network of over 1,000 small circulation papers as well as large mainstream media outlets. They will also run a social media campaign using shareable graphics and videos created from the testimonies.

More information about Voices for Economic Opportunity

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The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is part of the Grand Challenges partnership network. Visit to view the map of awarded grants across this network and grant opportunities from partners.