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Use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to Assess Impacts of Rabies, Brucellosis and Their Interventions

Syed Abbas of the Public Health Foundation of India in India, with colleagues Manish Kakkar and Krishna Rao, will adapt a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis approach to integrate different perspectives from the animal, environment, and human health sectors on the impact and intervention scenarios of zoonotic diseases, which infect animals and humans. The impact of a single disease and the effects of a specific intervention strategy affect the sectors in different ways. They will test their approach by consulting major stakeholders in each sector on the impact of intervention on one human disease (rabies) and one animal disease (brucellosis) within their sector, and use these to develop weights that allow direct comparisons across the sectors in order to promote more effective collaborations that can better protect health and food security.

More information about The One Health Concept: Bringing Together Human and Animal Health for New Solutions (Round 11)

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