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Use of Large Language Models (LLMs) to Transform Clinical Diagnosis in Kenya

Polly Okello of Medbook Kenya Limited in Kenya will develop a set of LLMs to support frontline healthcare workers in rural areas and among marginalized populations in Kenya. The LLMs will be based on the clinical LLM Med42 and trained with information representative of the Kenyan healthcare system, including clinical data and guidelines. The LLMs will be used to provide information to clinicians about medical conditions, treatments, and medications; summaries of patient records and other medical documents; personalized treatment plans for patients; and educational materials for patients and healthcare workers. They will deploy the LLMs and evaluate their impact through surveys with healthcare workers and patients and through case studies. They will assess the knowledge and skills of frontline healthcare workers, quality of patient care, efficiency of healthcare delivery, and patient satisfaction, with the goal of making healthcare more efficient, effective, and accessible in Kenya.

More information about Grand Challenges Africa: Catalyzing Equitable Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use to Improve Global Health

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