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Unstructured Supplementary Service Data Mobile Technology for Specimen Tracking and Results Delivery

Owens Wiwa of the Clinton Health Access Initiative in Nigeria will develop an efficient and reliable system for tracking diagnostic samples and delivering results to improve the efficiency of HIV diagnosis and treatment of newborns in Nigeria. Over 3.5 million people in Nigeria are estimated to be living with HIV, and every year up to 40,000 newborns become infected. Many HIV-exposed infants are not properly diagnosed or monitored, leading to delays in treatment and worsening of the disease. With input from health workers and scientists amongst others, they will adapt an existing unstructured supplementary service data (USSD) platform linked to laboratory information management system (LIMS) software so that the health facilities and diagnostic laboratories can track individual samples and monitor results via mobile phone. They will select health facilities and train staff to pilot test the platform over 12 months.

More information about Novel Approaches for Improving Timeliness of Routine Immunization Birthdose and Healthcare Worker Skill in Low-Resource Settings (Round 20)

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