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Tracking Zika-Infected Mosquitoes: A Novel Portable System for Rapid Field Detection of the Virus to Improve Maternal and Neonatal Health

Diawo Diallo of Institut Pasteur de Dakar in Senegal will validate and implement a timely and up-to-date surveillance system of zika virus prevalence in the mosquito population in the Kédougou area using an innovative integrated device developed by Gopaul from Institut Pasteur in Paris. This 3-in-1 device includes a mosquito trap, an analysis station that will carry an antibody-based detection system with an easy to read color change result and a mapping software to create a real-time map of arbovirus infected mosquitoes. The outcome will be the production of tools that can be used to implement focused and ecofriendly vector control interventions to improve maternal and neonatal health.

More information about Grand Challenges Africa: New Solutions for Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health

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