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Timeliness of Administering Birthdose Vaccines

Gershim Asiki of the African Population and Health Research Centre in Kenya will develop a mobile phone application and centralized electronic database to link birth records with immunizations to increase the coverage of BCG and polio vaccines in newborns in Kenya. Births and immunizations are initially recorded on paper and then transferred to separate electronic databases, meaning that many infants fail to receive the standard vaccinations on time. They have developed an integrated database that collects both birth and immunization data directly from nurses and health workers via mobile phones. They will evaluate the feasibility of their approach by registering around 450 newborns from an urban slum, and train community health workers to register pregnancies, due dates and delivery dates using the mobile phone application. They will monitor the newborns up to two months after birth, and test the effect of their approach on the timeliness of vaccinations.

More information about Novel Approaches for Improving Timeliness of Routine Immunization Birthdose and Healthcare Worker Skill in Low-Resource Settings (Round 20)