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Through the Threads of Homesteading

Strengthen ND in the U.S. will encourage North Dakotans experiencing poverty to take up the rich local tradition of homesteading by using stories to connect the diverse populations of new residents and longtime rural residents. Homesteading was the original mode of economic mobility for European migrants in the 19th and 20th centuries. The recent energy boom brought in more families from around the world, including from refugee camps, creating a more diverse population not fully sufficient in terms of opportunities for economic growth. This community now suffers from misconceptions and stereotypes, making it even harder for them to improve their economic status. In an effort to change that, new residents will be invited to incorporate their stories of seeking opportunity with those of the homesteading families connected to longtime residents in order to spark a statewide conversation between residents and stakeholders to promote acceptance.

More information about Voices for Economic Opportunity

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