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Testing PIXA(3): An Innovative Way to Measure Growth Easily, Frequently and Precisely

Guilherme Vanoni Polanczyk from Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil will test their new method Pixel Averages for Auxological Assessment (PIXA3) that enables parents at home to frequently and precisely measure height during early childhood to help better detect and monitor growth defects in low-resource settings. The current standard for accurately measuring height requires specialized equipment and trained staff, and is thus unsuitable for frequent application. Their new method involves using a smartphone to take multiple photographs of an individual next to an internal standard of known size, and doesn't require cross-sectional population norms, which have complicated current methods of longitudinally assessing growth. They will perform a randomized controlled trial in São Paulo to test the feasibility of their method and determine how accurate it is compared to traditional growth measures taken at a health clinic.

More information about All Children Thriving - Brazil

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