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Tampostat: A Low-Cost, Self-Regulating Tamponade for Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage in Low-Resource Settings

Tampostat is a self-regulating, low cost, emergency obstetric device designed specifically for use in low-resource settings by greatly increasing safety, efficacy, and ease-of-use over existing condom tamponades. While other condom tamponades take a volume-based approach, which may not account for varying uterus sizes, Tampostat is pressure-based and uses air to eliminate the need for saline. It features a safety valve to prevent over-inflation through auditory feedback and allows for periodic uterine contractions by constantly regulating the pressure. A proprietary probe, which allows a condom to be attached with an airtight seal, aids in guiding the condom into the uterus through guidance. With minimal training, a birth attendant in the field will be able to successfully administer Tampostat for about $1.50 USD.

More information about Saving Lives at Birth (Round 4)