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Sustainable Access to Maternal/Newborn Services: A Market Approach

Partners for Development (PFD) will develop an innovative model to ensure access to ante/postnatal and delivery care (ANC/PNC) in 25 underserved villages in northeastern Cambodia: a transportation system of private sector providers in partnership with local government. To increase demand for such transport and make the system financially sustainable, routes will include schools, markets and other popular destinations in addition to health facilities. Costs will be affordable to consumers and prices adequate for providers via set monthly amounts paid to the providers. In exchange for the monthly payment by the village, the private providers will agree to create affordable transport rates for users. Each village's cost contribution will be calculated according to the distance from its borders to the next stop on the route, reducing the otherwise high cost to the furthermost areas. Families will pay a monthly rate to its respective Village Development Council for unlimited trips, removing what is otherwise a financial disincentive to preventive care. The VDC will then pay each transporter, guaranteeing 24-hour availability. Revolving village loan funds can provide for emergency travel. Villages will: determine optimal routing; establish household fees; set loan interest rates/repayment terms; and determine how to publicize the system. PFD will measure success by: changes in ANC/PNC delivery service utilization; household subscription rates; and transporter profits. The model has replication potential globally.

More information about Saving Lives at Birth (Round 1)

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