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SuSastho.AI: An AI-Enabled Solution for Adolescents in Bangladesh

Moinul Haque Chowdhury of CMED Health Limited in Bangladesh will integrate a multilingual AI engine into their existing digital healthcare platform, SuSastho, to produce a chatbot that provides secure access to sexual, reproductive, and mental health care for adolescents. Bangladesh has the highest adolescent pregnancy rates globally, and 16-18% of its adolescents suffer from mental disorders; however, little to no sexual, reproductive, or mental health care is available. They will use an open-source language model that operates in multiple languages, including Bangla. Together with experts, they will compile common queries and sought-after information regarding education, early marriages, contraceptive use, adolescent pregnancies, and sexual and mental health, and collect training data for the AI model. The chatbot will also be designed to assess health risks and make referrals. They will conduct beta testing, clinical validation, user acceptability testing, and cultural validation through consultative workshops.

More information about Catalyzing Equitable Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use