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Structured Speech Recognition Platform

Noshad Ali of Precision Health Consultants Pvt Ltd in Pakistan will develop a speech recognition platform to record child vaccination data and increase efficiency at vaccination clinics. Adherence to the recommended vaccination schedule is critical for reducing vaccine-preventable disease in developing countries and is increased when caregivers have positive interactions with healthcare workers. They will implement a system that will allow caregivers to dictate and record child vaccination information via speech recognition. This will decrease the amount of time spent recording data, allowing vaccinators more time with caregivers to address any concerns. This should help strengthen the relationship between healthcare workers and caregivers and thereby promote vaccination adherence. Software developers will shadow vaccinators in clinics during the design phase, noting the main discussion topics and questions asked. Once functioning, the success of the platform will be measured by software precision and satisfaction of vaccinators using the technology.

More information about Innovations Driving Programmatic Performance in Immunization: Service Experience and Data Use + Measurement (Round 22)