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Single Dose, Multivalent Vaccine for Zoonotic Diseases

Charles Long of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in the U.S. will develop a strategy for generating single vaccines against diseases that infect both humans and animals (zoonotic) for use in both species that can be locally produced in goat milk. They will select two antigens from pathogens causing seven zoonotic diseases, including tuberculosis and trypanosomiasis, and incorporate them into vectors for producing the vaccines in lactating dairy goats. The ability of each vaccine to induce a protective immune response in combination with a variety of adjuvants will then be tested in goats. Vaccine-producing goats could be shipped to regions in need where local farmers and businesses would be trained to produce the milk and prepare the vaccines.

More information about The One Health Concept: Bringing Together Human and Animal Health for New Solutions (Round 12)

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