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Senses of Birth: Effects of an Interactive Exhibit in Changing the Perception About Labor and Birth with Community Mobilization for Reducing Excessive Caesarean Sections and Iatrogenic Prematurity In Brazil

Bernardo Jefferson de Oliveira from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in Brazil will develop an interactive exhibit including images, audio, games, and theatre to encourage natural childbirth and perform a pilot study to evaluate its effect on changing public perception of labor and birth. They aim to reduce unnecessary cesarean sections in Brazil where the incidence of preterm births, which can cause severe disabilities, has been increasing. This is thought to be due in part to the negative perception of normal birth and the assumption that cesarean sections are safer and more convenient. The exhibit will focus on producing sensations and emotions to teach participants about the experience, risks and benefits of both cesarean section and natural childbirth. They will present the exhibit over 12 months in three major cities, which should reach around 30,000 people, and use interviews and questionnaires before and after participants visit the exhibit to measure its effect on knowledge and attitudes.

More information about Reducing the Burden of Preterm Birth