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Sasa Mama Teen Project: Strong Minds for Stronger Adolescent Mothers in Nairobi Slums

Estelle Sidze of African Population and Health Research Centre in Kenya will work with adolescent mothers in Nairobi slums to develop a toolkit of information, skills, and coping mechanisms, to protect their mental health during pregnancy and early motherhood. Many girls in Nairobi slums become pregnant, but have limited knowledge about how to care for a baby, and are often excluded from their homes. They will interview adolescent mothers to find out what harms their mental health during pregnancy, what effect this has on their behavior, and how they try to cope. They will also work with them, and with health workers and community members, to build the toolkit to protect them from these stressors. This toolkit will include providing information, and teaching problem-solving and confidence-building skills. They will test their approach on a sample of 150 adolescent girls who are pregnant or are new mothers using trained adolescent mentors with two delivery methods: organized two-hour meetings with up to ten participants in selected safe spaces; and five-person online discussion groups via the WhatsApp messenger application.

More information about Healthy Minds for Adolescent Mothers: Achieving Healthy Outcomes for the Family (Round 20)