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Resolving the Agricultural Policy Impasse in Tanzania

Benedict Mongula of the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania will analyze two apparently conflicting national agricultural policies centered on either large-scale agriculture or smallholder farmers and determine how to combine them to benefit all stakeholders for inclusive agricultural transformation. Agriculture is central to the Tanzanian economy, yet its impact is limited by a lack of infrastructure, education, and market access. Current agricultural policy is shaped by two conflicting approaches: large-scale agriculture under the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor (SAGCOT), driven by wealthy foreign investors; and smallholder farming under the government-led Agricultural Sector Development Programme (ASDP). SAGCOT has been criticized for removing land from rural farmers and increasing poverty, while ASDP has many projects in place but has not demonstrated significant impact on the industry. They will investigate how to link the two approaches for inclusive agricultural transformation – improvements to the industry that protect all stakeholders, regardless of social class, culture, gender or age. Through consultation with participants, including government officials, investors and ordinary citizens, they will analyze the two approaches, identify which of the large-scale agricultural investments are most consistent with inclusive transformation, and determine to what extent both SAGCOT and ASDP address the needs of the diverse population. The new policy framework will be presented in the form of a journal article, stakeholder meetings, and workshops.

More information about New Approaches for Strategic Prioritization of Agricultural Development Policies (Round 22)

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