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Real-Time Remote Monitoring and Tracking of Treatment Adherence

Shweta Roy and team are developing a small, electronic, tablet strip holder that enables real-time tracking of patient treatment adherence and inventory. The tablet strip holder will be small in size, embedded with a weighing scale to monitor change in weight of tablet strips and thereby monitor treatment adherence. Any change in the weight of the strip will be recorded on a server via SMS using a telemetric SIM within the holder. If the change in weight is not detected within a given time period, the device will trigger a non-compliance alert through SMS to the patient and caregiver DOTS observer. The holder will also have an inbuilt alarm to alert the patient in case of missed dosages. The final product will be light weight and sleek in design and the patient will be able carry the tablet strip holder like a mobile phone. Minimal patient input is expected, making this device user friendly, and alerts can be customized as per regional language. The cost of the final device is expected to be $10 - 12 USD per piece.

More information about Treatment Adherence for TB