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PERSO-MAP: Persona Map for Community Worker Decision Support

Nico Vandaele and Catherine Decouttere from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium along with workers at the St. Francis of Assissi Community Dispensary in Kenya will develop a decision support tool for community workers who vaccinate children that incorporates the diverse characteristics and needs of the local parents and caregivers to help them improve vaccination uptake. The diverse characteristics of caregivers in a specific catchment area, such as their profession and household situation, affect the challenges they face when seeking health care and the solutions needed to overcome them. They plan to develop a tool for community workers to map these characteristics so that they can exploit them to provide a better health service, such as by tailoring appointment times, arranging transport, and sending reminders. This will enable them to work more efficiently. They will build a paper-based prototype in collaboration with community workers and pilot test the tool and validate maps of selected communities.

More information about Increasing Demand for Vaccination Services (Round 22)