Offering Stories from Domestic Workers to Drive Forward the Conversation About the Value of Their Work and to Improve Their Economic Opportunities
The National Domestic Workers Alliance in the U.S. will produce a video series portraying the home lives of domestic workers to showcase the important, unique, complex nature of domestic work and create a sense of urgency for policy and employer change that protects domestic workers and expands their economic opportunities (especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic). There are over 2.5 million domestic workers in the U.S., who are disproportionately women of color and immigrants. Although nannies, housekeepers, and caregivers provide many families with stability and financial security, paradoxically they are not afforded the same. Instead, they deal with poverty-level wages, restricted health coverage and sick pay, and other working conditions that create barriers to economic opportunity. National Domestic Workers Alliance will identify values-based statements that most strongly resonate with key audiences and train domestic workers from diverse backgrounds to shoot videos documenting their lives. The videos will incorporate additional relevant materials and be disseminated through social media.