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Non-Hormonal Contraceptive Targets that Block the Mechanism of Ovulation

Darryl Russell of the University of Adelaide in Australia will use genomics approaches to identify the molecular pathways that control ovulation for developing more non-hormonal contraceptives with fewer side effects. The classical progestin-based contraceptive pill disrupts natural hormone cycles; requires long-term, regular use; and causes a range of harmful side-effects. An alternative approach is an acute treatment that directly blocks ovulation – the release of the oocyte from the ovary. This research team earlier discovered unique and specialized roles for the progesterone receptor (PGR) in regulating ovulation in a mouse model. They will further characterize these specialized molecular mechanisms upstream and downstream of PGR induction in granulosa cells, which associate with the oocyte, with a focus on chromatin and transcription factors to identify unique drug targets that could be used to develop a contraceptive with fewer side effects.

More information about Accelerating Discovery for Non-Hormonal Contraceptives