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mHealth for Safer Deliveries

D-tree International has developed and field-tested an integrated phone-based tool that supports screening and counseling of pregnant women using clinical algorithms, facilitates transportation to a health facility during labor using mobile banking and data storage, and supports the CHW to provide follow-up care to mothers and their infants using clinical algorithms. Preliminary results from this project after 6639 deliveries show an increase in rates of supervised deliveries to 77% and of post-partum follow up to 91% of births compared to a baseline estimate of 48% supervised deliveries and 36.2% follow up care prior to the project. This project aims to scale this project to all of rural Zanzibar and expand in other parts of Tanzania.

More information about Saving Lives at Birth (Round 4)

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The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is part of the Grand Challenges partnership network. Visit to view the map of awarded grants across this network and grant opportunities from partners.