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mDOTS: Improving Tuberculosis Detection, Treatment, and Adherence in Rural India

Krishna Swamy and team are building a comprehensive tuberculosis (TB) mobile application to improve TB detection, treatment, and adherence. The team will build upon its open-source, mobile health (mHealth) platform CommCare and predeployed CommCare mobile applications for TB in India to develop a comprehensive, SMS-enabled mobile application for TB detection, treatment, and adherence. Dimagi will work with the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, South-East Asia (USEA) in the Khunti District, Jharkhand in India to design, test, evaluate, and scale the proposed mDOTS application, which will be designed around the World Health Organization's recommended directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS) protocol for TB.

More information about Treatment Adherence for TB

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