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MamaOpeAI: Clinical Decision Support to Manage Respiratory Illnesses

Brian Turyabagye of MamaOpe Medicals in Uganda will develop an AI-based platform integrated with the MamaOpe screening tool to enhance the diagnosis and management of respiratory illnesses. MamaOpe is a pneumonia screening tool based on vital signs, including respiratory rate and lung sounds, with results presented via a mobile app into which healthcare workers can enter patient symptoms and store patient histories. They will train a Large Language Model with the MamaOpe database to help guide differential diagnosis by highlighting critical indicators and suggesting supplementary tests for more accurate diagnosis. In settings with limited direct access to specialists, the platform can facilitate remote consultations. They will perform an efficacy study to evaluate how well the platform correctly predicts clinical outcomes.

More information about Grand Challenges Africa: Catalyzing Equitable Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use to Improve Global Health

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