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m-CTG: A Low-Cost Mobile-Phone Cardiotocograph Device for Antenatal and Intrapartum Monitoring to Prevent Perinatal Mortality in Low-Resource Settings

We propose developing a mobile phone based Cardiotocography (CTG) (m-CTG) with inbuilt algorithm and alerts that can be used to identify the at-risk fetuses and monitor high-risk pregnant women for early referral and appropriate action. The proposed cheaper m-CTG device (cost ~$100-120) shall have the functions of standard CTG devices including FHR, fetal movements and uterine contraction. The in-built algorithm shall allow categorization to identify the abnormal ones. This device shall be mobile/ portable and easy to handle. Real-time data transmission by the mobile device shall allow referral and action for high risk cases. Other m-Health applications can be easily integrated for comprehensive and single window continuum service delivery. This shall enforce standardize case management and protocol adherence.

More information about Saving Lives at Birth (Round 4)

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