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Introduction of Vaccines Supply Chain Downstream Delivery to Improve Availability of Vaccines at Health Facilities in Lesotho

Bulara Mpiti of the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) in the U.S. will use the clinical sample transportation network in Lesotho to increase the efficiency of delivering viable vaccines to local health facilities. Most health facilities in Lesotho experience stock-outs of essential vaccines, which are caused by weak supply chains from the stores at district offices. The health facilities are also visited at least once per week by motorcyclists from delivery agencies to pick-up clinical samples for rapid transport to diagnostic laboratories, which are located in the same district offices as the vaccine stores. They will engage these delivery agencies to also manage the ordering and transport of vaccines in the other direction, from district stores to health facilities. To test their approach, they will perform a pilot in selected districts and train vaccine supply managers, health workers, and sample transporters.

More information about Health Systems Strengthening: Ensuring Effective Health Supply Chains (Round 19)