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Integrated Surveillance of NTDs Through the Blood Donation Program in Kenya

Wyckliff Omondi from the Ministry of Health in Kenya will integrate a neglected tropical disease (NTD) surveillance program into the national blood donation program as a more cost-effective mechanism to monitor lymphatic filariasis and other endemic NTDs in Kenya. Kenya is on course to eliminate lymphatic filariasis using mass drug administration programs. Certifying regions as disease-free requires careful post-treatment assessments. To support this, they will work with the Kenya National Blood Transfusion Service, which collects, tests, and distributes blood across the country, to collect small, normally discarded blood samples from regional centers and test them for lymphatic filariasis, dengue and chikungunya in their central laboratory. As well as supporting eradication efforts, this routine testing will provide an early warning system by identifying distribution patterns and prevalence of dengue and chikungunya, which have histories of outbreaks in coastal regions.

More information about Innovations in Eliminating Neglected Tropical Diseases