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Improving the Timeliness of Infant Vaccinations Through Network Transportation Providers

Diana Negoescu of the University of Minnesota in the U.S. will ensure routine vaccinations are given to infants during the first year of life in resource-limited settings by providing free, shared transportation to medical centers, and text message reminders. In low-resource countries, public transportation, if available, is often unreliable and infrequent. However, newborns require regular, on-time vaccinations to prevent a variety of potentially deadly diseases. Network transportation providers such as Uber for cars and Safeboda for motorbikes have recently been implemented in Kampala, Uganda, and provide a potential solution. To determine the feasibility and value of free transportation and timely reminders, they will conduct a survey in Kampala to collect information on the associated costs, practical issues, and potential impact on vaccination coverage and infant health.

More information about New Approaches for Improving Timeliness of Routine Immunizations in Low-Resource Settings (Round 19)