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Improving Post-Partum Intrauterine Device Services in Rwanda

Kristin Wall of Emory University in the U.S. will develop a comprehensive approach to improve the uptake of intrauterine contraceptive devices shortly after birth, which is safe and effective but currently vastly underutilized for preventing unwanted pregnancies in Rwanda even though it is widely available. They will hold focus groups and in-depth interviews with couples, both separately and together, and health workers, to evaluate their knowledge and attitudes on the intrauterine devices, as well as evaluating current practices at two health clinics. Using these findings, they will develop intervention strategies to increase uptake, which may include additional health worker training, and pilot test them in two health clinics.

More information about Assess Family Planning Needs, Preferences and Behaviors to Inform Innovations in Contraceptive Technologies and Services (Round 17)

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