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Dry-to-rainy Season Integrated Control of NTDs and Malaria

Brian Foy of Colorado State University in the U.S. will test whether repeated administration of the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin specifically during the short dry-to- rainy transition in Burkina Faso in combination with distribution of insecticide treated nets will better reduce the incidence of malaria, lymphatic filariasis and soil transmitted helminth infections. Incidence of these diseases remains high despite mass drug administration efforts. They hypothesize that drug treatment and preventative measures will be more effective during the dry-to-rainy season transition (June to October) when the vector and parasites are at relatively low levels. This will be tested by performing a pilot three month randomized trial on a selection of rural villages involving community health workers to administer the drugs, followed by evaluation of disease incidence in young children.

More information about New Ways of Working Together: Community-Based Interventions (Round 13)

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