Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationGlobal Grand Challenges
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Development of a Synthetic Anti-Toxic Vaccine for Malaria

Louis Schofield of The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Australia will develop a synthetic saccharide-conjugated vaccine that would provide immunity against GPI, a toxin produced by the malaria parasite that is a major determinant in the severity and fatality of the disease. This project's Phase I research demonstrated preclinical safety and efficacy of a synthetic anti-toxin vaccine for malaria, showing that the oligosaccharide target was conserved across all malaria species and life stages. In Phase II, Schofield is extending the preclinical evaluation of efficacy of this candidate vaccine against other species and life stages.

More information about Create New Vaccines for Diarrhea, HIV, Malaria, Pneumonia, and Tuberculosis (Round 2)