Development of a Large Language Model (LLM)-Based Clinical Decision Support System for Increasing Awareness and Accessibility for Diabetic Footcare
Belehalli Pavan of Strideaide Private Limited in India will develop an AI-based platform to increase timely access to diagnosis and treatment for diabetic foot ailments. Early detection of peripheral neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease, and diabetic foot ulcers would enable interventions that reduce the need for limb amputation. The platform will build on their existing network of podiatry clinics located in a variety of public spaces. These clinics are staffed with a paramedic providing treatment guided by diagnostic tools including a foot mat with a plantar pressure sensor to help predict and assess foot-bottom ulceration. Existing and new digital data from these clinics will be used to build a diabetic foot registry, to improve automated assessment through AI-based analysis, and to train an LLM with a chatbot interface for clinical decision support across the podiatry clinics.