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Detection and Characterization of Potential Zoonotic Viruses in the Amazon and the Andeans of Bolivia

Volga Ana Iñiguez Rojas of the Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Ecología in Bolivia will use metagenomic next generation sequencing to determine the diversity of viruses circulating in wild and domestic mammals and humans in two highly contrasting regions in Bolivia: The Amazon and the Andean Highlands. Emerging infectious diseases from zoonotic pathogens are a major public health threat. Bolivia is a hotspot for zoonotic diseases because of its highly diverse mammalian species and extensive deforestation. They will strengthen laboratory capacities with metagenomic next generation sequencing tools to identify circulating viruses in key mammalian species and people at high risk for exposure, namely Indigenous communities and wildlife center personnel. Data from 1,250 mammals and 390 humans and an overall risk assessment of human spillover potential will be shared across sectors together with training activities to promote coordinated action.

More information about Metagenomic Next Generation Sequencing to Detect, Identify, and Characterize Pathogens

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