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Climate-Intelligent Delivery of Malaria Chemoprevention in Cameroon

Innocent Mbulli Ali of the University of Dschang in Cameroon will develop an AI-based forecasting system to guide the delivery of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Northern Cameroon. The system will build on an existing AI-based model and incorporate historical environmental, epidemiological, and mosquito vector surveillance data from relevant regions of Cameroon. They will train the model to predict changes in malaria morbidity and mortality due to extreme weather events, including the timing, peak number, and distribution of malaria cases. They will collaborate with the National Malaria Control Program to test the system as a tool for optimizing the timing of malaria interventions in different health districts, evaluating its prediction accuracy and cost effectiveness.

More information about Accelerating Catalyzing Solutions for Climate Change's Impact on Health, Agriculture, and Gender