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Building on Accepted Tools for Malaria Elimination

Edward Thomsen of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in the United Kingdom will build an open-source software platform tailored to support efforts to eliminate malaria by amalgamating desirable features from two existing disease data management platforms. The Disease Data Management System (DDMS) is an existing platform that integrates multiple datasets and supports operational decision-making through unique functionality such as automated outbreak alerts. In contrast, the District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS2) is a well-established platform that is the preferred solution for managing aggregated and individual case data. It has a large user-base and powerful analytics interface. They will develop software to modify DHIS2 with the desired features of DDMS and evaluate the performance of their integrated platform over one year in a malaria control program in Zambia.

More information about Design New Analytics Approaches for Malaria Elimination (Round 17)