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Ask-AVA: Developing an Automated Verified Analyst for Public Health

Tamlyn Roman of Quantium Health in South Africa will use generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) to develop an automated analyst that integrates disparate health datasets and automates data analytics to support evidence-based decision-making in public health. Although there is a relative abundance of health-related data in South Africa, it is difficult to use effectively because the datasets are not standardized and analytics capacity to support policy- and decision-making is limited. They will source datasets for the analyst and assess the LLM's ability to automate checks and link multiple datasets. Improving interoperability between datasets will enable unique correlations to be identified between separate social indicators, which are currently recorded in distinct databases. They will also develop a user-friendly platform for output generation and visualization.

More information about Catalyzing Equitable Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use

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