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Aifya: Using GPT-4 to Enhance Newborn Care in Bungoma County, Kenya

Jesse Gitaka of Mount Kenya University in Kenya will develop the GPT-4 AI model to support healthcare providers with up-to-date medical information for improved clinical decision-making and neonatal care. They will identify knowledge gaps among providers, using this information to guide training for a cohort on using GPT-4 for clinical support. They will then evaluate their use of GPT-4 for its impact on clinical decisions and neonatal outcomes. A subset of the healthcare provider cohort will be engaged to identify the barriers, risks, and opportunities associated with use of the AI tool. Results from both these evaluations will be used to develop a scalable framework for the deployment of AI in similar healthcare contexts to reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality, especially where there is a shortage of medical personnel.

More information about Grand Challenges Africa: Catalyzing Equitable Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use to Improve Global Health

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