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African Modeling and Analytics Academy for Women (AMAX)

Amira Kebir of the Pasteur Institute of Tunis in Tunisia will create an African-based and -led learning and research network that links Francophone and Anglophone African research institutions to strengthen the capacity and ecosystem for modeling and analyzing women's health in Africa. They will train eight Ph.D. and Postdoctoral researchers in an intra-African collaboration to use modeling approaches on available datasets that can inform public health decisions. They will also establish a summer school and workshops for training up to twenty students. These trainees will be incorporated into modeling groups by partners in northern, western, central, and eastern Africa that will apply mathematical modeling and gender-based data analysis to investigate four infectious disease areas that highly impact women, namely human papillomavirus, hepatitis B virus, COVID-19, and antimicrobial resistance. They will also build a software platform to standardize data collection and manage project information and data security.

More information about Strengthening Modeling and Analytics Capacity and Ecosystem for Women's Health