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Adolescents and Youth Taking Control of Their HIV Treatment

Peter Gichangi of the International Centre for Reproductive Health Kenya in Kenya will develop a website for 10 - 24 year olds with HIV to help guide them safely through adolescence and improve adherence to treatment. This age group experiences unique physical and emotional stresses, and for those with HIV, adherence to treatment is relatively low. They will develop and launch a secured website in consultation with the target age group to enable individuals to access HIV-related information; query health professionals, including the possibility for live chats; participate in forums; and retrieve their personal treatment data. They will set up a randomized study and evaluate their approach by measuring number of users and web behavior, and whether it increased adherence to treatment and appointment visits.

More information about Inciting Healthy Behaviors: Nudge, Disrupt, Leapfrog, Reach (Round 12)

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